<aside> 🔥 This is experimental.


Some of the content in Transifex might be country specific. In that case, not all of the terms in a project require translations to all languages. We use a tagging system that lets the translators filter down the relevant terms for a given country. These tags are visible on the right-side term panel under the Occurrences label:

Screenshot 2022-05-05 at 13.34.00.png

Interface terms

Typically, all the terms labeled as interface should be translated into all available languages. You can find these by typing occurrence:interface in the filters box. Like this:

Screenshot 2022-05-05 at 13.40.42.png

Country-specific terms

Similarly to the interface filtering, you can type in a two-letter country code (e.g DE or CH) in the filters box to narrow down the terms specific to the country. Like this:

Screenshot 2022-05-05 at 13.44.19.png